A Successful Object Edit Pattern
A successful Object-Oriented Design Pattern for editing objects. This pattern allows free editing of objects, while allowing cancellation and preservation of the original object reference.
I will guide you through my thought processes in developing a code pattern that I have used successfully in multiple implementations.
The goals of the object edit pattern is as follows:
- Editing an object should allow free manipulation of any of its values
- Canceling an edit should leave the original object unchanged
- Committing an edit should leave the original object’s pointer or reference unchanged
I will present this pattern using Delphi, but the concepts transcend any single programming language.
Risk-free Editing of Object
This goal proves to be a challenge in that we may manipulate any number of properties at any number of levels. The implementation of an undo system may be complex. The use of a light weight editable object is brittle and requires constant maintenance. The simplest solution to this problem is to edit an identical independent copy of the original object.
To facilitate editing copies, each of my editable objects will need to have a copy constructor (here named CreateCopy
TABC = Class(TBase)
Constructor Create;
Constructor CreateCopy(AABC: TABC);
Destructor Destroy; override;
function Clone: TBase; override;
We can also add a virtual method Clone
at the base class that each class can override. Adding a virtual method that accesses the copy constructor is handy in cases where we don’t need to deal with specific types, such as cases where we need to duplicate all the elements of a list. Its implementation would be:
function TABC.Clone: TBase;
result := TABC.CreateCopy(self);
Canceling leaves original object unchanged
This goal is already accomplished with our editing of a copied object, provided that we implement our copy constructor according to the following rules:
- Composed objects are duplicated with a copy constructor.
- Weak references to values of reference types are assigned directly. This includes
- object and pointer types
- reference counted types: strings, dynamic arrays, interfaces
This new requirement means that all composed objects also need a copy constructor. Composed lists can have their elements duplicated with the use of the Clone
virtual method, instead of checking each class and calling each specific copy constructor by type. The only problem situation is composed interfaced types that are edited along with the object. This odd scenario would require special handling, I consider this an exceptional case and is not addressed by this pattern.
Committing Edits Leaves the Original Object Pointer Unchanged
The safety provided by editing the copied object also introduces a problem. We have a new object, with a new reference. All references to the original object will need to be updated. This can be resolved by “assigning” the edited copy to the original object. An assignment method that takes an object and assign its fields, references and composed objects according to similar rules to our copy constructor will serve this purpose. We can even use a properly defined assignment method in our copy constructor to prevent duplication of code. Our copy constructor would then simply look like this.
procedure TABC.CreateCopy(AABC: TABC);
Create; // NOT inherited create
Our base class implementation could look like this
Assignable class implementation
TBase = Class
procedure Assign(ASource: TBase); virtual; abstract;
function Clone: TBase; virtual; abstract;
And descendants like this
TDescendant = Class(TBase)
Constructor Create;
Constructor CreateCopy(ASource: TDescendant);
Destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Assign(ASource: TBase); overide;
function Clone: TBase; virtual; abstract;
Thus, our complexity is shifted from our copy constructor and clone methods towards our implementation of an assignment method.
Here is an example of what our Assign
method could look like on a complex object
procedure TMyComplexObject.Assign(ASource: TBase);
LSource: TMyComplexObject;
if ASource is TMyComplexObject then
LSource := TMyComplexObject(ASource);
FField1 := LSource.FField1;
TListHelper.Assign(FNonAssignableList, LSource.FNonAssignableList);
FWeakReference := LSource.FWeakReference;
Besides the rules of copy constructors, here re-appropriated for assignment there are a few best practices:
- Assign fields instead of properties. We should be concerned with data preservation, properties may have side-effects
- Composed objects must allow assignment
- Composed lists must allow assignment or you will need to create classes that can facilitate deep copying
Delphi provides a standard base class called TPersistent
that provides a public virtual method Assign
and a protected virtual counterpart AssignTo
. We could use that as a base if desired, but there is no clear of convincing argument to use it, except in the case of requiring decendency from this class (for example serialization purposes)
TBase = Class(TPersistent)
procedure Assign(ASource: TPersistent); overide;
function Clone: TBase; virtual; abstract;
procedure TBase.Assign(ASource: TPersistent);
if not (ASource is TBase) then
inherited; // will raise an exception
Decendent classes would look like this:
TDescendant = Class(TBase)
Constructor Create;
Constructor CreateCopy(ASource: TDescendant);
Destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Assign(ASource: TPersistent); overide;
function Clone: TBase; virtual; abstract;
Our Editor
Once we have our class with copy constructor and assignment method our implementation of an editor is quite trivial.
TABCEditor = class
class function Edit(const ASubject: TABC) : TModalResult; static;
class function TABCEditor.Edit(const ASubject: TABC) : TModalResult;
LABCEditDialog: TABCEditDialog;
LEdited: TABC;
LABCEditDialog := TABCEditDialog.Create(nil);
LEdited := TABC.CreateCopy(ASubject);
LABCEditDialog.ABC := LEdited;
result := LABCEditDialog.ShowModal;
if result = mrOK then
Our edit dialog can manipulate the object at will, knowing that if we hit cancel no edits are preserved, and if we commit our changes, we will assign them to the original object.
I hope you find the code pattern useful. If you do, please be so kind to link to this article
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