Active Object Design Pattern in Delphi (Part 3): Futures (Promises)
In this blog post I will continue to describe the process to develop a solution in Delphi using the Active Object Design Pattern. Specifically, we will see how Future Values are delivered
If you missed Part 1: Method Requests or Part 2: The Scheduler. I would recommend that you read those first before proceeding.
In the third part of the deep dive into the Active Object pattern I want to look at the future value. Unlike the IFuture that is a Task in Delphi, this form of future is simple a container that waits to be filled and triggers the event to release once filled.
We have already looked at the interface we would need in Part 1: Method Requests. For reference, here it is again
IFutureValue<T> = interface
function GetValue: T;
property Value: T read GetValue;
Below is the class defininition for the Future Value.
TFutureValue<T> = class(TInterfacedObject, IFutureValue<T>)
FResultSet: boolean;
FResult: T;
FValueReadyEvent: TLightWeightEvent; // consider balance between TEvent and TLightweight event
function GetValue: T;
function Wait: boolean;
function GetValueReadyEvent: TLightWeightEvent;
property ValueReadyEvent: TLightWeightEvent read GetValueReadyEvent;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure SetValue(AResult: T); // done by methodrequest wrapping a future
property Value: T read GetValue;
Lets examine some of the basics of the definition:
The property Value
uses the GetValue
method to Wait
for the FValueReadyEvent
and then returns FResult
. The boolean FResultSet
is used in a technique called Quick-Check Locking. I will disuss that when we look at the implementation of the class.
is called by the service that supplies the value (in this case MethodRequest via theScheduler). When SetValue
is called, the FValueReadyEvent
is set and FResultSet
is set to true
The GetValueReadyEvent
is used to lazy load the FValueReadyEvent
when first needed.
Here follows the implementation:
destructor TFutureValue<T>.Destroy;
function TFutureValue<T>.GetValue: T;
result := FResult;
function TFutureValue<T>.GetValueReadyEvent: TLightWeightEvent;
LEvent: TLightWeightEvent;
if FValueReadyEvent = nil then
LEvent := TLightWeightEvent.Create;
if TInterlocked.CompareExchange<TLightWeightEvent>(FValueReadyEvent, LEvent,
nil) <> nil then
if FResultSet then //can't see this happening, but here just in case
result := FValueReadyEvent;
procedure TFutureValue<T>.SetValue(AResult: T);
//raise exception if set twice!
FResult := AResult; // no-one can read until we set the flag anyway, so no need for interlocked
// interchange, which is hard to do with generics anyway
FResultSet := true; //don't think interlock exchange is needed on a boolean
function TFutureValue<T>.Wait: boolean;
if FResultSet then //set after value is set
result := true
result := ValueReadyEvent.WaitFor(INFINITE) <> TWaitResult.wrTimeout;
For simplified synchronization the assumption must be made that the value will only be set once. This allows us to use a simple boolean that we will set directly without an interlocked exchange. This boolean is used in a technique called quick-checked locking, which is a way of reduce the overhead of checking or waiting for a synchronization object. This technique is similar to double-checked locking used in the Singleton Pattern, but is contra-indicated in some languages since order of execution is not always guaranteed. In this case I believe it is safe, and it speeds up the GetValue
routine when the value has already been delivered
You will notice that the value is set without an interlocked exhange. I believe this is safe with the assumption that we can write only once and can read only after the TEvent is set. I also believe that setting booleans are safe and do not require an interlock exchange. If you believe I am in error please comment below or create a pull request on the source code for this blog post series.
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